Physical activity and mental health problems in people older than 55 years old


  • Laura Muñoz Pampín Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga. Málaga. España.
  • Inmaculada Moreno Nadales Hospital Materno-Infantil. Málaga. España.



Exercise, Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Sedentary Behavior


Introduction: Due to an increasing prevalence of mental disorders among the population, many health programs have been developed to deal with this problem. These programs include physical activity in their guidelines, because of the extensive evidence that shows its importance in psychological well-being. The main objective of our study is to analyze the influence of physical exercise on the development of mental health problems in people older than 55 years old, because eld is considered a critical phase in terms of the changes that occur.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study has been carried out to analyze the association between physical activity and the development of mental disorders, as well as its relationship with other variables, based on the data provided by the European Health Survey (Spain, 2020).

Results:. Between the results obtained in the sample, it was found with a significant difference, that being a woman, a sedentary lifestyle, having primary education or no education, as well as obesity and tobacco consumption behaved as risk factors. The practice of physical activity and having higher education were protective factors against development of mental disorders.

Conclusions: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for the development of mental health disorders. However, psychological well-being depends on multiple factors that may act jointly, so it is necessary to analyze the influence of other variables in this association.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Pampín L, Moreno Nadales I. Physical activity and mental health problems in people older than 55 years old. Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(4):21-30. Available from: