Heart-healthy effect of extra virgin olive oil: a bibliographic review


  • Rocío González García Hospital Materno-Infantil. Málaga. España.
  • Carla Fernanda Guamán Claros Hospital Costa del Sol. Marbella. España.




Cardiovascular Diseases, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Polyphenols, Primary Prevention


Objectives: To evaluate the beneficial effect of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) on cardiovascular disease (CVD). Assess the importance of polyphenols contained in extra virgin olive oil in the beneficial effect on cardiovascular disease.

Methodology: We carried out an exhaustive search of the recent bibliography in the main available databases, the studies chosen are RCTs, Systematic Reviews, Meta-analysis and Clinical Practice Guidelines, we eliminated the bibliography that did not meet the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, obtaining 42 studies as main bibliography.

Results: The results are distributed towards the large number of positive functions that EVOO possesses together with its polyphenolic components, which are an improvement in the lipid profile, blood pressure, a decrease in ceramides in the blood, an increase in the level of tryptophan, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reduction of the Body Mass Index and prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events.

Discussion: Once the bibliographic review has been carried out, the consumption of EVOO is recommended given its cardioprotective properties, highlighting the action of its minority components, the polyphenols, which, apart from contributing their organoleptic properties, act on the risk factors that promote cardiovascular diseases, reducing your risk.

Conclusions: EVOO, and within it, polyphenols, added in moderate amounts to the diet, have been shown to be an element of primary prevention against CVD, both in the short and long term.

Keywords: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cardiovascular Disease, Polyphenol, Primary Prevention


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How to Cite

González García R, Guamán Claros CF. Heart-healthy effect of extra virgin olive oil: a bibliographic review. Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];6(1). Available from: https://enfermeriacuidandote.com/article/view/5253