Obstetric simulation as a tool in the training of Family and Community Nursing residents
Formative Feedback, High Fidelity Simulation Training, Nursing, Nursing Simulation Training, ParturitionAbstract
Introduction: The unplanned and out of hospital labor (birthing) is an obstetric emergency that causes a stressful situation and that can entail significant risks to the health of the mother and the newborn.
Scientific evidence shows us that the effectiveness on the learning and the acquisition of skills are better performed when high-fidelity simulators are integrated into the training of future professionals. This activity requires knowledge and training from the instructors themselves who carry it out, and therefore represents a challenge for instructors in the training of this specialized nursing: the acquisition of a type of family and community nursing for emergency births outside the hospital.
The main aim: to incorporate in the teachings of family and community nurses a specific learning process with a high-tech simulator for the care of unplanned family out-of-hospital births.
Methodology: A simulation activity was performed in five scenarios outside of hospital with ten resident students in their second year using an obstetric simulator Victoria S2200. Two professionals undergoing training were involved in the scenarios during which the check list created for the activity is completed. An evaluation activity of the debriefing is performed in health (EDSS).
Results and Discussion: 100% of the participants were satisfied with the activity. The performing instructor’s evaluation gives us feedback for the improvement of other future learning activities. As numerous studies show, the acquisition of the procedure via a simulator allows to the novel professional a high range of achievement and an improvement of competences.
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