Proposal for a school health education program: healthy eating at school


  • Marta Muñoz Doncel Área de Gestión Sanitaria Sur de Granada. Motril. España.
  • Elena Ruiz Quintero Área de Gestión Sanitaria Norte de Málaga. Antequera. España.
  • Bibiana Pérez Ardanaz Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga. España.



Education, Healthy Diet, Motor Activity, Pediatric Obesity


Introduction: Childhood obesity is one of the most prevalent noncommunicable diseases in our country, and according to the 2019 ALADINO study, it affects 17.3% of Spanish children. The World Health Organization establishes that this problem is fundamentally due to a lifestyle based on a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits, which are in turn related to an increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods. It is affirmed that interventions on nutrition and physical activity in the school environment imply improvements in the change of these habits in the child population, in addition to interventions on their closest environment, such as their relatives.

Objective: To develop an educational program that allows establishing a healthy and balanced diet in children in the 6th grade of primary school, through basic knowledge about nutrition.

Methodology: The target population will include both students enrolled in the 6th grade of primary school and their families and teaching staff of the center. A total of 6 training sessions, theoretical and practical, will be held on healthy eating and physical activity for students, and 1 session for families and teaching staff of the center.

Conclusions: With the application of the program, positive changes are expected to be achieved both in the improvement of health-related habits and in the acquisition of knowledge about healthy eating.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Doncel M, Ruiz Quintero E, Pérez Ardanaz B. Proposal for a school health education program: healthy eating at school. Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];6(1). Available from: