Effect of a Occupational Health Nursing intervention to reduce sedentarism in hospital health professionals. Research Protocol
Health Workers, Hospital, Occupational Nurse, Physical Activity, SedentaryAbstract
Introduction: Lack of physical activity is a major problem for physical, mental and occupational health. From occupational nursing we must ensure to promote and to protect the worker health to obtain optimal levels of well-being.
Objective: To assess whether there is an improvement in the level of physical activity of HRUM workers through interventions by occupational nursing.
Method: This study is a randomized clinical trial consisting of an intervention and control group. The population will be the professionals of the Hospital and the sample will be randomized with a systematic rule, following the order of arrival at the occupational medical examinations. Sociodemographic data will be asked and the level of physical activity will be assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ, the aptitude to exercise with the PAR-Q Questionnaire and the degree of motivation to change. The nursing intervention will be a prescription of physical exercise through motivacional advice.
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