Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on pregnant women's awareness of warning signs and symptoms in pregnancy. Research Protocol
Antenatal Education, Prenatal Education, SARS-CoV2, Signs and SymptomsAbstract
Introduction: "Childbirth and parenting preparation" (CPP) can reduce maternal stress, improve self-efficacy, decrease anxiety levels and achieve better obstetric outcomes. However, there is limited evidence of its effects on maternal or fetal results. Therefore, it must be standardized to elucidate its actual effects on physical and mental health. During 2019-2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in CPP as the global health crisis has affected the supply of resources and the services offered to the population.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 on the knowledge of pregnant women about the warning signs and symptoms during pregnancy. As specific objectives: to gauge the level of knowledge acquired by pregnant women in CPP; evaluate the level of knowledge of pregnant women have about the warning signs and symptoms during pregnancy without receiving CPP; of pregnant women who receive CPP through online group classes and those who receive it individually; measure the ability of the pregnant woman to detect situations of risk/alarm at a general level; according to age and according to their educational level.
Methods: This is a quasi-experimental project that consists of evaluating three groups of pregnant women. Two groups receive information on preparing for birth and parenting from their health centre with different methodologies included and a third group lacks such training. Data collection will be carried out by evaluating knowledge with an accepted and validated questionnaire; The information obtained from each group will be subject to a statistical analysis to establish if there are significant differences between the groups with respect to the level of knowledge of the warning signs and symptoms during a pregnancy.
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