Patient safety culture in Emergency Department nurses


  • Juan Pablo Gamboa Huayta Hospital Cayetano Heredia. Lima. Perú.
  • Luis Enrique Podestá Gavilano Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima. Perú.
  • Raúl Alberto Ruiz Arias Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Lima. Perú.



Emergency Department, Nursing Staff, Patient Safety, Quality of Health Care


Introduction: The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 10 patients in industrialized countries is a victim of adverse events in their health care. The increasing demand on the emergency department may imply an increased risk of adverse events as a consequence of care in less than ideal conditions. The head nurse of the adult emergency department reported 149 adverse events during the first quarter of 2021, and only 83% of the nursing notes were evaluated as correct.

Objectives: Determine the perception of the degree of Patient Safety according to the professional nursing staff of the HCH Adult Emergency Department in 2022.

Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, non-experimental design study. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Questionnaire (Spanish version), which was modified by the researcher and validated by experts, was used for data collection.

Results: The perception of the degree of SP by the professional nursing staff was 5.15, with a range from 0 to 10 (SD 1.66). The dimension with the highest percentage was "Organizational learning/continuous improvement", 61.1% and the lowest was "Staffing", 36.1%.

Conclusions: The perception of patient safety was Good according to the average obtained in the study.


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How to Cite

Gamboa Huayta JP, Podestá Gavilano LE, Ruiz Arias RA. Patient safety culture in Emergency Department nurses . Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];7. Available from: