Effects of pornography consumption on the mental health of adolescents: a literature review


  • Moises Polo Cobos Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba. España. https://orcid.org/0009-0006-1247-8118
  • Carmen Maria Cabello Triguero Hospital de Montilla. Montilla. España.
  • Jesús Ruiz Vera INGESA Ceuta-Atención Primaria. Ceuta. España.




Addiction, Adolescents, Emotional Dysregulation, Mental Health, Pornography, Public Health


Introduction: In today's digital era, access to pornography has increased, prompting several governments to regulate minors' access to this content. This literature review explores the relationship between pornography consumption and mental health issues in adolescents, aiming to synthesize the evidence and guide future public policies.

Methods: A bibliographic review was conducted following the PRISMA methodology. The literature search was carried out in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Embase, WoS, and CINAHL. Articles published between 2019 and 2024 were included.

Results: Out of 236 identified articles, 10 studies were finally included in the review. The findings reveal a significant association between pornography exposure and an increase in depressive symptoms, anxiety, and risky sexual behaviors. Variations were also observed based on gender and cultural context.

Conclusions: Watching pornography has a negative impact on adolescents' mental health, especially when exposure to such content is intentional. Future research should continue exploring the neurophysiological mechanisms of pornography addiction, new diagnostic methods, and ways to reduce reporting bias. It is crucial to develop sexual education programs that enable adolescents to safely manage exposure to this type of content and to review public policies.


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How to Cite

Polo Cobos M, Cabello Triguero CM, Ruiz Vera J. Effects of pornography consumption on the mental health of adolescents: a literature review. Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];8. Available from: https://enfermeriacuidandote.com/article/view/7138

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