Effectiveness of accredited training courses by Nursing Colleges of Malaga during 2022


  • Lucía Rojas Suárez Centro de Salud El Cónsul. Distrito Sanitario Málaga-Valle del Guadalhorce. Málaga. España.
  • Víctor Manuel Cotta Luque Centro de Salud Churriana. Distrito Sanitario Sanitario Málaga-Valle del Guadalhorce. Málaga. España.
  • Isabel Eugenia Jiménez Mayorga Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga. Málaga. España.
  • María Lourdes Padilla Romero Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria. Málaga. España.
  • Alfonso García Guerrero Centro de Salud Perchel. Málaga-Valle del Guadalhorce. Málaga. España.
  • Adolfo Romero Ruiz Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga. España. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7824-2347




Accreditation, Courses, Continuing Education, Effectiveness of Training Activities, Nursing


Today no one doubts the need for quality professional training to achieve individual professional progress in each profession. In Nursing, updating knowledge in considered essential in the science of care. One of the best indicators of the quality of the training offer in health professions is to achieve the accreditation of a responsible agency. Another indicator may be to demonstrate the effectiveness of such training. The objective of this work is precisely that, to evaluate the effectiveness of the accredited training of the Training Department of the College of Nursing of Malaga in the year 2022, by analyzing the scores of the pre and post course tests. With this objective, we designed a pretest-posttest study, in which participated all the students involved in the accredited training activities developed by our organization from January to December 2022 participated. During the study period, 11 courses were accredited, with a total of 246 attendees. These were mostly women (213 vs 33). The effectiveness of the training activity showed an increase in the scores of the previous and final tests of 1.79 points (p<0.05). In this scenario, with a majority of accredited courses that were online or in the B Learning modality, a significant increase in final evaluations has been achieved. As a line for the future, we plan to study the effectiveness of the different didactic methodologies used in training activities.


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How to Cite

Rojas Suárez L, Cotta Luque VM, Jiménez Mayorga IE, Padilla Romero ML, García Guerrero A, Romero Ruiz A. Effectiveness of accredited training courses by Nursing Colleges of Malaga during 2022. Enferm. cuid. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];6(1). Available from: https://enfermeriacuidandote.com/article/view/6183